Pet behaviour consults Pet Behavioral problems in pets may be related to medical problems which we will exclude by obtaining a full history and conducting a full physical examination. Blood and urine tests may be necessary to ensure there is no underlying medical condition. A full behavioral questionnaire is completed to help determine the underlying...
Author: Ark Vets Team
Pet vaccinations
We can't stress enough how important it is to get vaccinations for your puppy and kitten, and keep your dog and cat vaccinations up to date. Vaccinations prevent serious infectious diseases both in your pet and other animals in the community. The Ark offers vaccinations against serious diseases in dogs, cats and rabbits, which are safe and are not linked to any adverse health effects.
Pet Desexing
As cute as puppies and kittens are, we know that you don’t want your pet having a litter every year! Pet desexing is also important in behavioural management in some pets and can reduce the risk of diseases such as ovarian cancer. At the ark we offer pet desexing operations under general anaesthetic for dogs, cats and rabbits.
The team at the ark is highly experienced, ensuring that your pet experiences minimal discomfort and a fast recovery.
Pet emergency care
In the event of a pet emergency, the emergency veterinarian treatment provided by the team at the Ark will minimise stress and further trauma to your pet and administer the appropriate care as fast as possible. We understand how important your pet is to you, and how stressful it can be when they need emergency vet care. There is no need to book an appointment in an emergency situation, just bring your pet straight to the clinic.
Flea, tick and parasite control
Parasites like fleas and ticks can pose significant health concerns for your cat or dog. Fleas make life itchy and uncomfortable for both you and your pet. Australia is home to the paralysis tick, which is life-threatening in both cats and dogs. Year-long tick prevention is imperative, and this treatment combined with vaccinations can help your pet life a comfortable and parasite free life. Book an appointment online today to discuss the best prevention options.