Allergies in pets are a very common concern, especially in the warmer months. Allergies can affect cats and dogs of all breeds, and show a variety of signs. We made an infographic for you that shows the signs, treatment, and other relevant information about allergies. This may help in recognising these signs in your pet, meaning faster and more efficient treatment!
There are many ways to investigate and diagnose the cause of an allergy. Treatment varies once a diagnosis is made and can vary from simple medications to ongoing testing. If you suspect your pet is suffering from a form of allergy, make an appointment with one of our veterinarians so we can start the process. Often pets suffer from allergies to some degree, so the sooner we see you, the sooner we can fix the problem and make your pet comfortable again.
Infographic allergies and pets
What are allergies?
Just like humans, pets can be allergic to a variety of things – environmental, food or even fabrics. It is a common cause of scratching, itching and skin problems in pets. It varies from the occasional scratch to incessant biting and licking, sometimes to the point of causing injury to themselves. An allergy is actually an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to external substances, something to body sees as foreign. This then causes a domino effect within the pets body that causes the inflammation, scratching etc.
What can pets be allergic to?
- Fleas – some pets are more sensitive to a flea bite, causing a condition called flea allergic dermatitis
- Food – some pets can be allergic to a certain protein or ingredient in a food. This can not only cause the typical scratching, but gastrointestinal upsets too
- Contact allergy – when the body comes in contact with a substances (such as certain plants)
- Atopy – the allergen is generally found freely in the environment (such as pollen). This is similar to hayfever in humans.
Because the symptoms of allergies may closely resemble each other, it is important that the exact cause is properly investigated. The age at which the animals develop the allergy is in 85% of cases between 9 months and 4 years of age.