At the Ark, we have experienced an increase in the number of pets presenting with intestinal worms. One probable cause is that owners think worms are seasonal, only problematic in warmer weather, and then discontinue their worm prevention program during winter. This is NOT the case.
Worms (intestinal parasites) are a year-round problem. Year-round protection is a MUST. Though most adult worms do not survive a freeze, their eggs can survive in the soil during extremes of cold or heat for months. Also, puppies and kittens are born with worms. Dormant larvae in the mother become active in the final stages of pregnancy to infest them. Worms also spread with lactation and nursing.
How does my pet get worms?
Depending on your pet’s lifestyle, they may have an increased risk of contracting worms. The most common routes of infection include:
- Contact with other infected animals
- Drinking infected water
- Contact with infected animal faeces
- Accidentally eating a flea infected with tapeworm
- Eating meat that is infected – If your dog or cat is prone to hunting rats, mice, or possums, it is important that you really stay on top of their worming regime as they are at much higher risk of infection
Over 3/4 of fecal exams do not identify worms. Some worm infections can transfer to people — children are most at risk. Deworming of dogs and cats should be done annually.
In cases of persistent infestations, worming may be advised periodically all year long. In addition to “deworming”, there are worm preventatives given monthly year-round.
Please call us if you are unsure about your worm prevention program: 02 9416 1300 or book an appointment online.