Allergies in pets are a very common concern, especially in the warmer months. Allergies can affect cats and dogs of all breeds, and show a variety of signs. We made an infographic for you that shows the signs, treatment, and other relevant information about allergies. This may help in recognising these signs in your pet, meaning faster and more efficient treatment!
There are many ways to investigate and diagnose the cause of an allergy. Treatment varies once a diagnosis is made and can vary from simple medications to ongoing testing. If you suspect your pet is suffering from a form of allergy, make an appointment with one of our veterinarians so we can start the process. Often pets suffer from allergies to some degree, so the sooner we see you, the sooner we can fix the problem and make your pet comfortable again.
- 跳蚤——一些宠物对跳蚤叮咬更敏感,导致一种称为跳蚤过敏性皮炎的病症
- 食物——一些宠物可能对食物中的某种蛋白质或成分过敏。这不仅会引起典型的抓挠,还会引起肠胃不适
- 接触过敏——身体接触某种物质(如某些植物)
- Atopy – the allergen is generally found freely in the environment (such as pollen). This is similar to hayfever in humans.
由于过敏症状可能彼此非常相似,因此正确调查确切原因很重要。在 9 个月至 4 岁之间的病例中,动物发生过敏的年龄为 85%。