GapOnly Banner


Available at The Ark

GapOnly® is an innovative payment service that works with selected pet insurance brands, so you can access your pet insurance benefits right away for eligible expenses.

How to claim using GapOnly®:

  1. If your pet insurance brand offers GapOnly, let our team know you’d like to submit a GapOnly® claim for your pet’s treatment.
  2. We’ll lodge a GapOnly® claim on your behalf, and it will be assessed in around 10 minutes. Any longer and the team will let you know so you can decide whether you want to stay or have the claim processed as an eClaim instead.
  3. Once the claim’s been assessed and approved, you simply pay the gap (the amount not covered by your pet insurance policy) and go.

A GapOnly® claim can be processed:

  • Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
  • Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

(AEST or AEDT as applicable, excluding NSW public holidays)


To book an appointment or if you want more information please call our friendly staff at 02-9416-1300 或给我们发电子邮件: 接待 
