Puppy course | puppy pre school



致电 (02) 9416 1300 了解更多信息


小狗训练不仅对您的小狗有很多好处,对您的家人也有很多好处。幼犬的关键生长期在 4 到 16 周之间。它们的养育方式、玩耍方式以及与其他狗的相处经历将对它们成年后的天性产生重大影响。在此期间,让您的小狗接触其他狗、新朋友和不同的情况非常重要,这样它们才能为生活中的一切做好准备。


如果您对我们的幼犬学校有任何疑问或想预订下一门课程,请致电我们 (02) 9416 1300.

Puppy training at the Ark


您应该在您的小狗 8 至 16 周大时(在它们接种第一组疫苗后)将其注册到 Puppy Preschool。这是他们发展的关键窗口,所以他们在这段时间学到的东西很可能会伴随他们整个成年生活。

社交期结束后(一旦它们超过 16 周大),小狗可能更容易犹豫、不确定或害怕新的经历。




我们的 Puppy Preschool 在周二晚上和周六下午一次运行 4 周。新课程将于本月的第一个星期二开始,但需预约。

该课程方便地在方舟兽医医院与我们来自 Confident Canines 的出色培训师 Danielle 一起举办。

通过保持班级规模较小(3 到 5 只小狗之间),我们能够充分关注您的小狗,并让它们在受控环境中与其他狗交往,以免它们不知所措。


  • 基本命令(坐下、停留、停止、躺下)以及调用时如何来
  • 如何让你的狗习惯被别人抚摸
  • 散步时的良好行为以及如何不带头行为
  • 内训
  • 如何预防咀嚼、咬等不良行为
Puppy Training

学习不止于此!立即致电我们以了解更多有关我们的小狗训练中包含哪些经验的信息 (02) 9416 1300. Or book with Veronica directly on 0412 627 272.

Veronica puppy preschool

Meet our trainer: Veronica Sewell

Veronica is dedicated to strengthening the bond between pet owners and their beloved dogs, with a special focus on guiding them through the exciting yet sometimes challenging puppy stage.

As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Veronica holds an internationally recognised accreditation from the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (www.ccpdt.org). She also earned a Certificate in Dog Training and Behaviour, training under the esteemed Steve and Vicki Austin, and is a certified Puppy Class Instructor.

Veronica has achieved remarkable success competing with her dogs in Obedience, Rally, and Scent Work, earning multiple qualifications and titles in these disciplines. Her dedication to the field is further demonstrated through her many years of volunteer service as an instructor at local obedience clubs.

She is also an Accredited Professional Dog Trainer and a proud member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia (www.apdt.org.au), reflecting her commitment to upholding the highest standards in dog training and behaviour.

With over 20 years of experience working with dogs, Veronica shares her life with two furry companions: Georgie, a spirited Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, and Chip, an intelligent Border Collie. Her passion and expertise make her a trusted guide for creating lasting connections with your canine companions.

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